This interactive, computer-based training course is part of a series designed to teach students the core tasks required to effectively create, build, and test a human-machine interface (HMI) application using RSView Machine Edition (ME) software.
Throughout the courses, students can direct their learning by selecting tasks related to their application, including creating displays, working with interactive objects, and testing their application.
When students select a lesson, they are given specific learning objectives and information on each objective in the lesson. Helpful animations, background information, and links to other reference materials prepare students for the step-by-step demonstrations. Students are then shown how to perform each task through a variety of interactive software simulations using RSView Studio ME software.
In each lesson, students are given multiple opportunities to interact with the RSTrainer software.
After each module, students are given the chance to demonstrate their skills and test their knowledge by responding to different question and answer sessions. Every practice opportunity contains specific feedback to reinforce learning.
RSTrainer for RSView Machine Edition - Applications and Displays is designed for students who need to know how to create HMI screens using RSView ME software. This computer-based training is also an excellent resource for refresher training following an instructor-led course.